Dry Matter & Calorie Calculator

Dry matter basis (DMB) is useful because the nutritional analysis you’ll find on the packaging will never tell the full story. Manufacturers analyses are based on total weight - including water. This is why different kinds of food appear to contain such strikingly different amounts of protein, fat, fibre, and ash. A tinned wet food contains a lot more water than a than a dry kibble-based food, and the ‘Guaranteed Analysis’ on the pack doesn’t take that into account.

Dry matter basis eliminates water from the equation, and so allows for fair, like-for-like nutritional comparison of foods. Our smart calculator below will do the sums for you, and what’s more, based on the data you provide it’ll give you two extra pieces of information:

  • the carbohydrate content of the food
  • the approximate calorie content of the food

Give it a try!

Enter Nutritional Data

Tip: Look for the 'Guaranteed Analysis' or 'Analytical Constituents' on the packaging.


Your percentages should not add up to more than 100! Please check your nutritional info again.

Dry Matter & Carbs Estimate

Select species to see color-coded averages:
Below average|Average|Above average

Estimated Calorie Content

First, enter food nutrional information.0 calories per gram

Don’t forget that feeding your pet the right amount is just as important as feeding them a high quality food. To determine an appropriate daily portion size based on the calorie content of your pet’s food, be sure to check out our calorie calculator for dogs and calorie calculator for cats.

Dry matter figures are calculated by removing moisture from the equation, and then expressing the nutriutional constituants as percentages of whatever remains. For example: (nutrient / (100 - moisture)) * 100.

The food’s calorie content (i.e. its metabolisable energy) is estimated using the 4-step method, officially the Predictive Equations of NRC 2006a. The science behind these recommendations is available in the October 2021 edition of the FEDIAF Nutritional Guidelines. It’s important to remember that any information provided by the food’s manufacturer will be the most accurate.

Every animal is different and advice from your vet is essential in maintaining good health, but if you’re looking to make like-for-like comparisons between wet and dry foods, this page is a good place to start!

About YourPaws.com

Here on Your Paws, I build science-backed tools for pet owners. You'll also find vet-checked answers to common questions and in-depth reviews of food and toys, all designed to help you make the right decisions for happy, healthy pets. Read more about the site.

The content on this website is intended to be informative, but it should not be taken as a substitute for personal advice from your vet. See our editorial policy and disclosure to learn more.

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